Business Ethics and Compliance

Code of ethics

Menarini Biotech adopts  a framework of values based on ethics, transparency, business integrity, high professional quality and a clear focus on service in order to guarantee the highest level of ethics and transparency in its business practices.

The company aims to underline the importance of these basic principles which have been consolidated through the adoption of its own Code of Ethics.

Every employee has the responsibility to respect and enforce the Code and strengthen its application through compliant and responsible conduct.

Organization, management and control model pursuant to italian legislative decree 231/01 of Menarini Biotech

Menarini Biotech has developed and adopted the Organisational, Management and Control Model pursuant to Legislative Decree 231/2001 that is updated according to changes in company organizational structure, operational and legislative integrations processes.

Biotech has also established a Compliance Committee (“Organismo di Vigilanza”) with its own statute, an autonomous organ aimed at supervising the functioning and observance of the Model within the Company and its updating.

Finally, special attention is paid to communication initiatives and training of Company employees and consultants on the contents of the Legislative Decree 231/2001 and how they are implemented.

The General Principles of Conduct, as part of the Model, can be found here:

Reporting Channels to the Supervisory Body

Menarini Biotech srl has set up dedicated whistleblowing channels (as listed below) to the 231 Supervisory Body for encouraging any reporting of potential violations of the 231/2001 Model and/or relevant offences pursuant to Legislative Decree 231/2001:

The report will be handled with the utmost confidentiality and protection from any kind of retaliation and/or discriminatory behaviour of anyone who, in good faith, makes a report.


Discover more about Business Ethics and Compliance on our Menarini Group website

Discover more about Global Code of Conduct on our Menarini Group website

Discover more about Global Code of Conduct on our Menarini Group website