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Cell Line Development

Cell Line Development

Menarini Biotech has extensive experience generating stable mammalian cell lines. 

This experience, combined with our advanced analytical capabilities, enables us to identify and select highest producing clones to meet clients specific requirements. 

This involves:

  • Vector optimization to maximize gene expression

  • Selecting highest productive stable pools within 5 weeks of transfection 

  • High throughput (HT) single-cell clone selection based on titer and quality attributes.

  • Quick, reliable process to generate clonal RCBs for different types of molecules including monoclonal antibody, Bispecific antibody and fusion proteins.

  • Rapid progression of RCBs through process development to GMP scale-up to provide IND enabling material.

  • Purified early-stage material generation for formulation and analytical method development, reducing development timelines.

  • HT media and feed optimised platform for robust process development.

  • Cell line stability studies. 

  • cGMP cell banking and storage facilities.

  • Global project management to ensure successful on-time delivery of projects.